Pakistani Young Girl Mallala Yousafzai meets with Queen Elizabeth.

Mallala was shot in the head in Pakistan keep going October in the wake of fighting for the privileges of young ladies to head off to class without alarm, in a part of the nation where Islamic fundamentalists were attempting to infringe a strict manifestation of Sharia law. 

The young person, joined by her father Ziauddin, gave the Queen a duplicate of her book, I Am Malala, throughout their gathering in the royal residence's White Drawing Room.

Mallala was flown from Pakistan to the Uk for crisis medicine after the ambush. Surgeons who treated her said she came quite close to demise when the projectile touched her mind in the strike on a school transport. 

She was treated at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in Birmingham, and has now settled in the city with her gang. Since the ambush, she has tended to the United Nations and been assigned for the Nobel Peace Prize. 
